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At 11 years old, Donna Roughan dreamed of becoming an accountant, inspired by her exposure to her parents’ business finances. Initially envisioning a straightforward career of preparing financial statements and filing taxes, she discovered a profession far more dynamic and fulfilling. Her career included unexpected adventures like decommissioning a sawmill, working hands-on in the dairy industry, repossessing assets, managing vineyards, negotiating disputes, implementing software systems, and overseeing logistics operations.

The blog discusses the impact of remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, on employees and businesses. While some employees thrive in remote settings, others miss in-person interactions. Employers now face the challenge of assessing whether candidates are likely to succeed in remote or hybrid roles, especially when face-to-face interactions might be limited.

Transitioning accounting firms to a successful remote work culture demands meticulous planning, transparent communication, and adept utilization of technology. This article delves into strategies such as establishing clear policies, fostering communication, promoting continuous learning, maintaining work-life balance, and embracing the right tools, showcasing how this evolution can lead to heightened efficiency and job satisfaction

So much talk about how we can improve the profession by offering better a better working environment – for example a 4 day working week. When I say talk, that’s where a lot of it starts and ends, but then I read about a couple of firms who have introduced a 4 day working week, without losing any productive hours time. That got my attention – read here to see how they did it.

Explore effective strategies to boost engagement in hybrid accounting firms, ensuring remote employees stay connected and motivated. Uncover the secrets to overcoming remote work challenges and fostering a thriving environment in this new era of accounting.

As an exhibitor at AICPA Engage, we gained valuable insights into the accounting industry's current challenges and trends. Networking with professionals and showcasing our solutions allowed us to contribute to addressing the most pressing problems for accountants right now. The experience emphasized the importance of collaboration and innovation for the profession's future success and sustainability.

Its no secret that we are operating in a candidate's market. Become an employer of choice and get your firm noticed by prospective employees. Not only will your workplace attract top talent in this candidate short market, but you'll improve retention of current staff, and create more efficient business systems as well. Discover the key principles and practical advice in this weeks blog post.
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