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Accountants Personality Profile Questionnaire

The Accountants Personality Profile Questionnaire is here at last!

After five years of quiet development, we have completed the first personality profiling assessment that specifically measures the traits and behaviours associated with success in a changing accounting world. 

The Accountants Personality Profile Questionnaire (APPQ) blends the accounting qualities identified by the ACCA in 2016 into a personality profile report to be used in recruitment and professional development settings.

Your part in APPQ’s Success

Before we launch APPQ to the world, we need to build a norm group of International Accountants against which future accountant job applicants will be measured.

This is where you come in.

What’s in it for me?  

In exchange for about 20-minutes of your time, you get your very own accounting-specific personality profile report which you can use as an appendix to your CV/Resume and as a guide for setting professional development targets to further your career.

Comprehensive personality profile reports typically cost several hundred dollars.  You get this one for nothing.

You also get to bask in the glow of knowing you are helping the accounting profession to increase its effectiveness in recruiting and developing the leaders of tomorrow.

How do I take part?

Unlike other global events, this doesn’t involve needles and you only have to do it once.  You don’t even need to leave the house or office.

Just email us at & put APPQ Norm Collection in the subject line.  We’ll need your name too & the email address where you want your questionnaire link sent.

Share this with other Accountants

Please share this with your accounting colleagues and networks.

If you manage teams of accountants, you can get everyone assessed and discover team strengths, blind-spots and development priorities that would cost you thousands if you engaged people management consultants.


Any queries, please use the email above.

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